Traduction de rude



  1. [rugueux - surface, vin]     rough
    [ - toile]     rough, coarse
    [ - peau]     rough, coarse
    [ - son]     rough, harsh
    [ - voix]     gruff
    [ - manières, personne]     uncouth, unrefined
    [ - traits]     rugged
  2. [difficile - climat, hiver]     harsh, severe
    [ - conditions, concurrent]     tough
    [ - concurrence]     severe, tough
    [ - vie, tâche]     hard, tough
    [ - côte]     hard, stiff
      être mis à rude épreuve
    1. [personne]     to be severely tested, to be put through the mill
    2. [vêtement, matériel]     to get a lot of wear and tear
      ma patience a été mise à rude épreuve    it was a severe strain on my patience
  3. [sévère - ton, voix]     rough, harsh, hard
    [ - personne]     harsh, hard, severe
  4. (familier) [important, remarquable]
      avoir un rude appétit    to have a hearty appetite
      un rude gaillard    a hearty fellow
      ça a été un rude coup pour lui    it was a hard blow for him

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