Traduction de volontiers volontiers [vɔlɔ̃tje]adverbe [de bon gré] gladly, willingly [avec plaisir] with pleasure un café ? — très volontiers a coffee ? — yes please ou I'd love one [souvent] willingly, readily on croit volontiers que... we are apt to think ou ready to believe that... il ne sourit pas volontiers he's not very generous with his smiles
Traduction de volontiers volontiers [vɔlɔ̃tje]adverbe [de bon gré] gladly, willingly [avec plaisir] with pleasure un café ? — très volontiers a coffee ? — yes please ou I'd love one [souvent] willingly, readily on croit volontiers que... we are apt to think ou ready to believe that... il ne sourit pas volontiers he's not very generous with his smiles
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Your hair …, it's too long! needs to cut needs cutting needs cut