Traduction de remplumer remplumer [rɑ̃plyme] se remplumer (familier)verbe pronominal intransitif Conjugaison [physiquement] to fill out again, to put weight back on [financièrement] to improve one's cash flow, to straighten out one's cash situation il a réussi à se remplumer en vendant ses tableaux he managed to improve his cash flow situation by selling his paintings
Traduction de remplumer remplumer [rɑ̃plyme] se remplumer (familier)verbe pronominal intransitif Conjugaison [physiquement] to fill out again, to put weight back on [financièrement] to improve one's cash flow, to straighten out one's cash situation il a réussi à se remplumer en vendant ses tableaux he managed to improve his cash flow situation by selling his paintings
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. … cornflakes for breakfast. Never I have I have usually I usually have