Traduction de quickness quickness [ˈkwɪknɪs]noun [rapidity - of movement, pulse] rapidité f [ - of thought, reaction] rapidité, vivacité f [acuteness - of sight, wit] vivacité f [ - of hearing] finesse f [hastiness] his quickness of temper sa promptitude à s'emporter
Traduction de quickness quickness [ˈkwɪknɪs]noun [rapidity - of movement, pulse] rapidité f [ - of thought, reaction] rapidité, vivacité f [acuteness - of sight, wit] vivacité f [ - of hearing] finesse f [hastiness] his quickness of temper sa promptitude à s'emporter
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. She … you back if you hadn't been so rude. might call may have called might have called