Traduction de firing firing [ˈfaɪərɪŋ]noun(uncountable) military tir m firing has been heavy de nombreux coups de feu ont été tirés [of piece of pottery] cuisson f, cuite f(informal) [dismissal] renvoi m cars [of engine, sparkplug] allumage m firing [ˈfaɪərɪŋ]compound firing order or sequence cars [of engine] ordre m d'allumage firing pin percuteur m firing practice exercice m de tir firing range champ m de tir
Traduction de firing firing [ˈfaɪərɪŋ]noun(uncountable) military tir m firing has been heavy de nombreux coups de feu ont été tirés [of piece of pottery] cuisson f, cuite f(informal) [dismissal] renvoi m cars [of engine, sparkplug] allumage m firing [ˈfaɪərɪŋ]compound firing order or sequence cars [of engine] ordre m d'allumage firing pin percuteur m firing practice exercice m de tir firing range champ m de tir
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