Traduction de tintouin tintouin [tε̃twε̃] (familier)nom masculin [inquiétude, souci] hassle, (fuss and) bother se faire du tintouin to get all worked up [vacarme] racket, din quel tintouin à côté ! what a racket they're making next door !(locution) sa canne à pêche, ses bottes, son chapeau et tout le tintouin his fishing rod, boots, hat and all the rest of it
Traduction de tintouin tintouin [tε̃twε̃] (familier)nom masculin [inquiétude, souci] hassle, (fuss and) bother se faire du tintouin to get all worked up [vacarme] racket, din quel tintouin à côté ! what a racket they're making next door !(locution) sa canne à pêche, ses bottes, son chapeau et tout le tintouin his fishing rod, boots, hat and all the rest of it
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. How many teenagers … at the show? were there was there