Traduction de taquin taquin (f taquine) [takε̃, in]adjectif teasing il est un peu taquin par moments he's a bit of a tease sometimes taquin, taquine [takε̃, in]nom masculin, nom féminin [personne] teaser, tease taquinnom masculin jeux puzzle consisting of sliding plates in a frame which have to be arranged in a set order
Traduction de taquin taquin (f taquine) [takε̃, in]adjectif teasing il est un peu taquin par moments he's a bit of a tease sometimes taquin, taquine [takε̃, in]nom masculin, nom féminin [personne] teaser, tease taquinnom masculin jeux puzzle consisting of sliding plates in a frame which have to be arranged in a set order
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