Traduction de tamis tamis [tami]nom masculin [à farine] sieve [en fil de soie, de coton] tammy (cloth), tamis passer au tamis [farine, sucre] to put through a sieve, to sift, to sieve [dossier] to go through with a fine-tooth comb construction [à sable] sifter, riddle (terme spécialisé) sport [d'une raquette] strings
Traduction de tamis tamis [tami]nom masculin [à farine] sieve [en fil de soie, de coton] tammy (cloth), tamis passer au tamis [farine, sucre] to put through a sieve, to sift, to sieve [dossier] to go through with a fine-tooth comb construction [à sable] sifter, riddle (terme spécialisé) sport [d'une raquette] strings