Traduction de succomber



 [sykɔ̃be] (soutenu)
verbe intransitif Conjugaison
  1. [décéder]     Conjugaison to die, Conjugaison to succumb (soutenu)
  2. [céder - personne]     Conjugaison to succumb
      il a succombé sous le nombre    he was forced to yield to greater numbers ou because he was outnumbered
      succomber sous un fardeau    to collapse under a burden
      l'entreprise a succombé sous la concurrence    the company couldn't hold out against the competition
      succomber à
    1. [désir]     to succumb to (soutenu), to yield to
    2. [désespoir, émotion]     to succumb to (soutenu), to give way to
    3. [fatigue, sommeil]     to succumb to (soutenu)
    4. [blessures]     to die from, to succumb to (soutenu)
      j'ai succombé à ses charmes    I fell (a) victim ou I succumbed to her charms

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  • I have got a friend … sister lives in Paris.