Traduction de outiller outiller [utije]verbe transitif Conjugaison [ouvrier] to supply with tools [atelier, usine] Conjugaison to equip, to fit with tools s'outillerverbe pronominal (emploi réfléchi) to equip oneself (with tools) vous auriez dû mieux vous outiller you should have made sure you were better equipped
Traduction de outiller outiller [utije]verbe transitif Conjugaison [ouvrier] to supply with tools [atelier, usine] Conjugaison to equip, to fit with tools s'outillerverbe pronominal (emploi réfléchi) to equip oneself (with tools) vous auriez dû mieux vous outiller you should have made sure you were better equipped
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. There … a cinema here, but there isn't any more. used to have used to be