Traduction de massif
(f massive) [masif, iv]adjectif
- joaillerie & menuiserie solidargent massif solid silverarmoire en acajou massif solid mahogany wardrobe
- [épais] massive, heavy-looking, bulkyune bâtisse au fronton massif a building with a massive pedimentsa silhouette massive his huge frame
- [en grand nombre] mass (modificateur), massivedes migrations massives vers le Nouveau Monde mass migrations to the New World
nom masculin
- géographie & géologiemassif (montagneux) mountainous mass, massifmassif ancien primary ou Caledonian massiflemassif du Hoggar the Hoggar Mountains
- horticulturemassif (de fleurs) flowerbedun massif de roses a rosebed, a bed of rosesmassif d'arbustes clump of bushesles rhododendrons font de jolis massifs rhododendrons look nice planted together in groups
- construction underpin, foundation
- [panneaux publicitaires] composite site