Traduction de inhabile inhabile [inabil] (soutenu)adjectif [sans aptitude] inept, unskilful inhabile à unfit for [maladroit - mouvement] clumsy, awkward [ - propos, méthode] inept, clumsy une déclaration inhabile a bungling statement droit (legally) incapable inhabile à témoigner incompetent to stand as a witness
Traduction de inhabile inhabile [inabil] (soutenu)adjectif [sans aptitude] inept, unskilful inhabile à unfit for [maladroit - mouvement] clumsy, awkward [ - propos, méthode] inept, clumsy une déclaration inhabile a bungling statement droit (legally) incapable inhabile à témoigner incompetent to stand as a witness
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Two new schools … built in our neighbourhood. have has been have been