Traduction de habit
[abi]nom masculin
- [déguisement] costume, outfitun habit de fée/sorcière a fairy/witch outfithabit d'arlequin Harlequin suit ou costume
- [vêtement de cérémonie] tailsen habit wearing tailsse mettre en habit to wear tailshabit de cour court dressl'habit de lumière the bullfighter's outfitl'habit vert regalia worn by members of the Académie françaiseporter l'habit vert to be a member of the Académie française
- religion habitl'habit ecclésiastique ecclesiastical dressprendre l'habit
- [femme] to take the veil
- [homme] to go into holy orders
quitter l'habit to leave ordersl'habit ne fait pas le moine (proverbe) you can't judge a book by its cover (proverbe)