Traduction de fruit
[frɥi]nom masculin
- botaniqueun fruit : après ton fromage, veux-tu un fruit ? would you like some fruit ou a piece of fruit after your cheese ?des fruits fruitmanger des fruits to eat fruitla tomate est un fruit the tomato is a (type of) fruitfruits des bois fruits of the forestfruit défendu forbidden fruitfruit de la passion passion fruitun fruit sec
- (sens propre) a piece of dried fruit
- (figuré) a failure
un fruit vert (figuré) an immature young girlfruits confits candied ou crystallized fruitfruits déguisés prunes, dates etc., stuffed with almond pastefruits jumeaux double fruitsc'est au fruit qu'on connaît l'arbre (proverbe) the tree is known by its fruit - cuisinefruits de mer seafood
- [résultat] fruitle fruit de son travail the fruit ou result of his laboursle fruit de ses entrailles (littéraire) the fruit of her wombcela a porté ses fruits it bore fruitles fruits de la Terre the fruits ou bounty of the Earthavec fruit (littéraire) fruitfully, profitably
- construction batter