Traduction de cabinet



nom masculin
  1. [de dentiste]     surgery (UK), office (US)
    [de magistrat]     chambers
    [d'avoué, de notaire]     office
      cabinet (médical ou de consultation)    (doctor's) surgery (UK) ou office (US)
  2. [réduit]
      cabinet de débarras    boxroom (UK), storage room (US)
      cabinet noir    walk-in cupboard
  3. [petite salle]
      cabinet de lecture    reading room
      cabinet particulier [de restaurant]     private dining room
      cabinet de toilette    bathroom
      cabinet de travail    study
  4. [clientèle - de médecin, de dentiste]     practice
      monter un cabinet    to set up a practice
  5. [agence]
      cabinet d'affaires    business consultancy
      cabinet d'architectes    firm of architects
      cabinet d'assurances    insurance firm ou agency
      cabinet conseil    consulting firm, consultancy firm
      cabinet immobilier    estate agent's (UK) ou realtor's (US) office
  6. politique [gouvernement]     cabinet
      faire partie du cabinet    to be in ou a member of the Cabinet
      cabinet du Premier ministre    Prime Minister's departmental staff
      cabinet fantôme    shadow cabinet
      cabinet ministériel    minister's advisers, departmental staff
  7. [d'un musée]     (exhibition) room
  8. [meuble]     cabinet
  9. [d'horloge]     (clock) case


nom masculin pluriel
   toilet, loo (UK), bathroom (US)
In a French context this term refers to the team of civil servants who carry out advisory and administrative duties for a minister or a préfet. The Prime Minister's cabinet is made up not of ministers but of senior civil servants, including the directeur de cabinet, who has a political role as the Prime Minister's principal private secretary (and can deputize for him or her), and the chef de cabinet, whose function is largely administrative.

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