Traduction de bouclage bouclage [buklaʒ]nom masculin presse [d'un article] finishing off [d'un journal] putting to bed c'est mardi le bouclage the paper's going to bed ou to press on Tuesday(familier) [d'un coupable] locking up [d'un quartier] surrounding, sealing off [d'une ceinture] fastening, buckling [des cheveux] curling
Traduction de bouclage bouclage [buklaʒ]nom masculin presse [d'un article] finishing off [d'un journal] putting to bed c'est mardi le bouclage the paper's going to bed ou to press on Tuesday(familier) [d'un coupable] locking up [d'un quartier] surrounding, sealing off [d'une ceinture] fastening, buckling [des cheveux] curling