Traduction de floppy floppy [ˈflɒpɪ] (compar floppier, superl floppiest)adjective [ears, tail, plant] pendant [collar, brim of hat] mou (f molle) (before vowel or silent 'h' mol) [trousers, sweater] flottant, large floppy [ˈflɒpɪ]noun computing disquette f
Traduction de floppy floppy [ˈflɒpɪ] (compar floppier, superl floppiest)adjective [ears, tail, plant] pendant [collar, brim of hat] mou (f molle) (before vowel or silent 'h' mol) [trousers, sweater] flottant, large floppy [ˈflɒpɪ]noun computing disquette f
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