Traduction de hérisser



verbe transitif Conjugaison
  1. [dresser]
      le chat hérissait ses poils    the cat's fur was bristling
      le perroquet hérissait ses plumes    the parrot was ruffling its feathers
  2. [irriter]
      cette question le hérisse ou lui hérisse le poil    that question gets his back up ou really makes his hackles rise

se hérisser

verbe pronominal intransitif Conjugaison
  1. [se dresser - pelage]     Conjugaison to bristle
    [ - cheveux]     to stand on end
  2. [dresser son pelage]
      le chat se hérisse    the cat's coat is bristling
  3. [s'irriter]     Conjugaison to bristle
      elle se hérisse facilement    she's easily ruffled

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