Traduction de sharpness



  1. [of blade, scissors, razor]     tranchant m
    [of needle, pencil, thorn]     pointe f aiguë
    [of features]     aspect m anguleux
  2. [of outline, image, contrast]     netteté f
  3. [of bend, turn]     angle m brusque
    [of rise, fall, change]     soudaineté f
  4. [of wind, cold, frost]     âpreté f
  5. [of word, criticism, reprimand]     sévérité f
    [of tone, voice]     brusquerie f, aigreur f
      there was a certain sharpness in the way he spoke to me    il m'a parlé sur un ton plutôt sec
  6. [of eyesight, hearing, senses]     finesse f, acuité f
    [of appetite, pain]     acuité f
    [of mind, intelligence]     finesse f, vivacité f
    [of irony, wit]     mordant m

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